Additional Resources

Power Query Documentation

For a good intro to Power Query basics (or sometimes when you just need a quick reference for some forgotten basics):

A good Microsoft starting point for Power Query resources:

From the above Microsoft site, you can find two really good references:

  1. Power Query Documentation:
  2. M Language Reference:

Power Query Videos

Sometimes it is easier to learn by seeing and following along. The Learnit Training YouTube channel has produced 3 good videos to make you an expert in no time, complete with examples to use to follow along. Each video is roughly 2 hours, but allow for a couple hours per course to also do the examples and experiment along the way.

Beginner course:

Intermediate course:

Master course:

DAX Reference

A little outside Power Query, but often used hand in hand with the models in Power BI and Excel, DAX expressions are a powerful tool that is often referred to in the videos above. For those interested in learning a little more:

DAX Language Reference: