_Query API Filtering
Filtering results using the query APIs is achieved with the use of the $filter
As the
parameter can become quite long, it is recommended that these APIs are called using the POST method rather than the GET method described here.
As an example:
https://my_workspace.api.vitruvi.cc/api/v1/invoicing/invoices_query?limit=1000&offset=0&$filter=id eq 9
will filter the results so that only the item with id 9 is returned.
Additional operators can be used and filter criteria can be compounded using expressions.
https://my_workspace.api.vitruvi.cc/api/v1/invoicing/invoices_query?limit=1000&offset=0&$filter=status in ('pending','invoiced') and (modified lt '2021-02-01T00:00:00-03:00' or modified gt '2021-04-01T00:00:00-03:00')
will filter the results so that only the items with a status of pending or invoiced AND with a modified date of either before Feb 1, 2021 or after April 1, 2021 will be returned.
_Query API Filtering Operators
The following is the full list of operators supported:
Brackets (order of operations)
Logical operators: and, or, not
List operators:
Operator | Syntax | Description |
in | <<field_expression>> in <<list>> | Values in a specified list of potential values. Needs to be followed by a list. Example, “my_text_field in (‘string1’,’string2’)” or “my_number_field in (1,2,3)” |
- Comparison operators:
Operator | Syntax | Example |
Not equals | <<field_expression>> ne <<literal>> | status ne ‘pending’ |
Equals | <<field_expression>> eq <<literal>> | status eq ‘pending’ |
Greater than | <<field_expression>> gt <<literal>> | id gt 50 |
Less than | <<field_expression>> lt <<literal>> | id lt 50 |
Greater than or equal | <<field_expression>> gte <<literal>> | id gte 50 |
Less than or equal | <<field_expression>> lte <<literal>> | id lte 50 |
- Logical functions:
Function | Syntax | Example |
String begins with (case sensitive). | startswith(<<field_expression>>, <<literal>>) | startswith(payee_name, ‘M’) |
String ends with (case sensitive). | endswith(<<field_expression>>, <<literal>>) | endswith(payee_name, ‘town’) |
String contains (case sensitive). | contains(<<field_expression>>, <<literal>>) | contains(payee_name, 'ohn') |
Is empty (blank or null). | isempty(<<field_expression>>) | isempty(payee_city) |
- Data functions:
Function | Syntax | Example |
Convert string to lower case (use where operators and logical functions need to be case insensitive). | tolower(<<field_expression>>) | startswith(tolower(payee_name), ‘m’) |
- Constants:
- null: represent a Null value.
A more complete, but perhaps less useful, example would be:
$filter=status in ('pending','invoiced') and ((modified gt '2021-02-01T00:00:00-03:00' and modified lt '2021-04-01T00:00:00-03:00') or (modified gt '2022-02-01T00:00:00-03:00' and modified lt '2022-12-01T00:00:00-03:00')) and not startswith(tolower(payee_name),'m')
Filtering on sub-items
Some results from the _query APIs return child data sets. For example, payee_data in these results:
"id": 123,
"payee_name": "Vitruvi Network Solutions",
"payer_name": "Big Telco",
"payee_data": {
"id": 456,
"address1": "123 Anywhere",
"city": "New York",
"region": "",
"name": "Vitruvi Network Solutions",
"post_code": "90210",
"type": "SC"
"status": "pending",
"modified": "2022-07-28T16:47:49Z"
Filter expressions can also be used on these child data sets by separating the field expressions with a forward slash. Example, $filter=payee_data/city eq 'New York'
Updated over 1 year ago